Sleep Study
What is a Polysomnogram (Sleep Study)?
A polysomnogram is a study that measures the quality of your sleep. A typical polysomnogram includes the following:
- Brain waves (electrodes placed on the scalp)
- Eye movement (electrodes placed on the face, by the eyes)
- Chin Muscle Tone (electrodes placed on or near the chin)
- Heart rate (electrodes placed on the chest)
- Leg movements (electrodes placed on the legs)
- Breathing (breathing sensor placed near the nose and mouth)
- Breathing effort (two small elastic belts placed around chest and abdomen)
- Oxygen level (small sensor attached to the finger)
- Audio and Video Recording
What should I bring to the sleep center for my sleep study?
The Sleep Disorder Center’s private bedrooms are similar to typical bedrooms. The rooms are supplied with pillows, blankets, towels and washcloths. In addition, a bathroom is available for washing up after the study is completed. Below are some guidelines on what to bring with you for your study.
- You may bring your own pillow, since some people sleep better with a familiar pillow. However, as stated above, pillows are provided.
- Bed clothes are necessary, not optional. Please wear something loose and comfortable, such as gym shorts and a t-shirt, sweat pants and a t-shirt, or pajamas.
- Any needed personal toiletries.
- A change of clothes for after the study.
- Any medications, both prescription and over the counter, that you need to take while at the Sleep Center. Technicians are unable to dispense any medications. Do not stop taking any of your medications without first consulting your physician.
- Reading material or something to keep busy with before bedtime.
- You may bring snacks with you. If you’re staying for the daytime nap studies, breakfast (cups of oatmeal/breakfast bars and juice) and lunch will be provided. If you have dietary restrictions please bring your own food.
- Avoid caffeine or stimulants for 12 hours before your scheduled time of arrival at the Sleep Center, unless prescribed by your doctor.
- Please make sure your skin and hair are clean. Please do not use any hair products or lotions on the night of your study. Washcloths and towels are available upon your arrival at the center to remove any remaining makeup before your study begins, and to clean up following the study.
Is the study covered by insurance?
Sleep studies are covered under most medical insurance plans, although deductibles and percentages of coverage vary. Details regarding coverage should be directed to your insurance company. We will verify insurance benefits and coverage prior to your sleep study. Please feel free to call our office and speak with the Account Coordinator, who is available to answer any remaining questions or concerns you may have.